Analog Kit: Cuisle V-01
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This kit provides a set of important analog parts to the student with exposure to the operation of the basic building blocks of the analog system by using the operation amplifier in multiconfiguration form with general-purpose JFET transistor and through several experiments the student will be able to understand and build many practical analog systems.
Main Power contains:
2-screw Pluggable Terminal Block for feeding the circuit’s appropriate voltage (±10V).
Power On/Off switch.
Male Pin header for external feeding using jumpers.
LED indicator for each of +10 and -10 supply.
400 Tie-points for general purpose usage.
The kit provides ports through which a transistor of either type BJT or MOSFET can be inserted, the transistors come separately (2N3906, 2N3904 and BS250) and are not integrated with the board to allow wide use of different types of it.
The kit comes with two 1kohm potentiometers with top adjustable value and high precision, used to obtain a variable and customize the voltage if needed for a circuit. Each potentiometer are operate respectively in the range 0V to +10V, and -10V to 0V.
OP-Amp Type I:
The operational amplifier can be connected in the inverting configuration only. Integrated with a set of resistors and capacitors designed to connect using the connectors these resistors or capacitors can be used in the feedback loop of the amplifier, This OP-AMP is based on TL082 IC, Each of these ICs has two amplifiers.
OP-Amp Type II:
It’s the same as Type I, however, can be configured to act as an inverting or noninverting amplifier it is also integrated with a set of resistors and capacitors designed to connect using the connectors for both inverting and non-inverting TL082 IC pins.
OP-Amp Type III:
It is the simplest operational amplifier type, it doesn’t contain any set of resistors.
Use Cases:
- The main goal of the kit is to allow learners in the field of embedded systems to deal with the most important devices in the embedded field and how to connect and program this device.