Development UC Board: ConeXion X2I
Price: E£2,800
CONEXION-X2I is a kit that contains 12 devices that can be directly interfaced with different types of microcontrollers.
- 2x display units, LCD 2×16 and 2 digits Seven Segments.
- 18x Input Switches, 16 Switches integrated to work as keypad 4×4 and 2 switches prepared to work as pull up and pull down.
- 8x RED LEDs line for indication purpose.
- 2x Relays (10A) integrated with driver Circuit, Protection Circuit and Green LED indicator.
- 1x DC 5V Buzzer.
- 3x Input analog Units:
- High precision multi turn potentiometer.
- Temperature sensor LM35 (0oC – 150oC) (0V – 1500mV).
- LDR – Light Dependent Resistor.
- 3x Different types of motors with their own drive circuits:
- DC 5V Motor with IC Driver L293D for speed and direction control.
- DC 5V Stepper Motor/0.3 kg cm/with IC Driver ULN2003.
- Micro Servo Continuous Rotation/5v DC/1,8 kg cm.
- Serial Communication Units:
- USB to TTL converter PC communication and UART Communication.
- EEPROM I2C Interface.
Use Cases:
- The main goal of the kit is to allow learners in the field of embedded systems to deal with the most important devices in the embedded field and how to connect and program this device.