Egypt IOT Lab.

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented “Egypt IoT Lab. “which is located in Smart Village”.
It was the first IoT Lab inside Egypt and opened by the minister of communication and information technology.                                                   

NAID Fab Lab.

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented “NAID Fab. Lab.”.It is the only Fab Lab inside Egypt that implemented to empower persons with disabilities.Guess how many prosthetics’ researches have been achieved.

Maker Space

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented the biggest “Fab. Lab. “which is located in Smart Village”. Have a look and try to imagine how many Trainees got the knowledge and how many projects have been achieved.


IoT Labs.

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented and operated “IoT Lab”, which is located in different universities (AUN, ALEX, PSU, ASU).
It was the first IoT Lab inside Egyptian universities.

New Administration Capital Labs.

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented “New Administration Capital Labs.”, in multi-fields (IoT, Robotics, VR, Application Development, and Solar).

مبادرة مصر تصنع الإلكترونيات

Smart EGAT Proudly implemented the biggest labs in (ITI, AUC, NTI) in مبادرة مصر تصنع الإلكترونيات.

Borj El-Arab Business Park

In cooperation with NTRA and Silicon Waha, Smart EGAT is leading a consortium implementing the first Smart City inside Egypt.


3D Printing Lab.

Smart EGAT proudly implemented the 3D Printing Lab. which is located in “Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University”.

This is the first Project of 3D printing inside Egypt that dedicated to help preventing the transmission of Covid-19.

CREATIVA Innovation Hub

Smart EGAT Proudly Co-operated with MCIT in implementing CREATIVA spaces inside Universities for six governorates.
CREATIVA spaces provide a creative atmosphere where students and startups can book a space to work in and unleash their creativity.

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